I hope all of you have a Happy New Year in 2009.
Tomorrow I will be eating blackeyed peas, cornbread and cabbage , the peas are supposed to bring good luck for the following year. I do hope it works again this year.
I know all of my children are glad I am not with them on New Years day, they all hate blackeyed peas !! LOL
Do any of you eat anything different on New Years Day ,that is supposed to bring luck ?
I am not staying up to see the new year come in tonight. It is just another day to me. If there was a party around here I might go though. Cheers !
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
What a Day !
My day started at 5 A.M. and it is cold (24) degrees. I decided to dress in the dark and I don't know why I must have thought it would be warmer. Then I went into the other room and turned on the light ! Surprise, I had my shirt and pants on backward and I had tried to put my slippers on in the dark but, I knew they were on backward, so I fixed that problem. If I had not, I might have walked into the other room backward.
Then I turned on my computer and started reading blogs, one of my bloggers lives in New Zealand her name is Liz. her blog is Goings on at the mad bush farm. This morning she had drawn a picture of a dolphin and gave instructions on how to draw it.
So after I had my coffee I tried to draw the dolphin, it looks more like a submarine with a nose ! I will try again to draw it after I get over dressing in the dark.
I am going to go drink coffee with my neighbor now. More later.
Then I turned on my computer and started reading blogs, one of my bloggers lives in New Zealand her name is Liz. her blog is Goings on at the mad bush farm. This morning she had drawn a picture of a dolphin and gave instructions on how to draw it.
So after I had my coffee I tried to draw the dolphin, it looks more like a submarine with a nose ! I will try again to draw it after I get over dressing in the dark.
I am going to go drink coffee with my neighbor now. More later.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Finally, the busy, busy's are over for a few months, at least I hope they are over.
This morning we are having "Spring" storms. The weather is just nuts. I think the V. Word guy is controlling the weather. Last week our high tempertures were in the teens and twenties. Last night I slept with my window open and the ceiling fan on in my bedroom. It is 67 degrees now and the W. Man says 20's tonight, so I will close my window tonight !!
While play on my computer, I found a neat web site , here it is if you want to look at it.
www.graphicgarden.com I printed some things on that site and they are nice.
I took down all of my Christmas stuff this morning and packed it away for another year. The only news here is weather and I have told you about that, so I guess I will go play in my craft room for awhile.
I hope all of you have a Happy New Year !
This morning we are having "Spring" storms. The weather is just nuts. I think the V. Word guy is controlling the weather. Last week our high tempertures were in the teens and twenties. Last night I slept with my window open and the ceiling fan on in my bedroom. It is 67 degrees now and the W. Man says 20's tonight, so I will close my window tonight !!
While play on my computer, I found a neat web site , here it is if you want to look at it.
www.graphicgarden.com I printed some things on that site and they are nice.
I took down all of my Christmas stuff this morning and packed it away for another year. The only news here is weather and I have told you about that, so I guess I will go play in my craft room for awhile.
I hope all of you have a Happy New Year !
Monday, December 22, 2008
Mr. Sandman
I am letting you know that you are not doing a very good job with your "sleeping business." This is a complaint !!!
It is winter and you are not using enough sleep "dust" to let me sleep past 4 A.M. in the morning. I am old and I do not need to be on a schedule, no kids to get off to school, I don't have a job to go to anymore, my chores are done before I go to bed at night ! Are you getting the "Message" yet ? I could go on with this complaint but, would it help ?
Things you may not know: it is still dark at 4 A.M., the birds aren't up yet either, my bed is warm, my rooms are not warm when I get out of bed. Are you getting my "drift ?"
Let me sleep until at least 6 A.M. And I won't report you to your boss !! Or maybe Santa will leave coals in your stocking. This is a threat!
It is winter and you are not using enough sleep "dust" to let me sleep past 4 A.M. in the morning. I am old and I do not need to be on a schedule, no kids to get off to school, I don't have a job to go to anymore, my chores are done before I go to bed at night ! Are you getting the "Message" yet ? I could go on with this complaint but, would it help ?
Things you may not know: it is still dark at 4 A.M., the birds aren't up yet either, my bed is warm, my rooms are not warm when I get out of bed. Are you getting my "drift ?"
Let me sleep until at least 6 A.M. And I won't report you to your boss !! Or maybe Santa will leave coals in your stocking. This is a threat!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Christmas Past
I have been thinking today about Christmases when I was a child. The best Christmas I ever had was when I was about 8 years old. It was the first snow I had ever seen on Christmas, it started snowing on Christmas Eve. I lived with my Grandparents at that time. Mam-Maw and I had made cookies for Santa and now it was time to open one gift, I always got a new pair of P.J.s to sleep in on Christmas Eve. So I put them on and went to bed but, I could not go to sleep for hours and hours.
When morning came, the cookies were gone and Santa had left me a Thank you note for the milk and cookies. Wow ! Then Mam- Maw and Granddaddy said ,"they wanted to show me something." They opened the front door and there were Santas foot prints in the snow on the steps and the porch. I was thrilled beyond words. I don't even remember what I got for Christmas that year ! But, that thrills me yet to think that Christmas.
Of course the footprints were my Granddaddy's And I still have the note !! Happy Hoildays..
When morning came, the cookies were gone and Santa had left me a Thank you note for the milk and cookies. Wow ! Then Mam- Maw and Granddaddy said ,"they wanted to show me something." They opened the front door and there were Santas foot prints in the snow on the steps and the porch. I was thrilled beyond words. I don't even remember what I got for Christmas that year ! But, that thrills me yet to think that Christmas.
Of course the footprints were my Granddaddy's And I still have the note !! Happy Hoildays..
Christmas Card
Hi All,
Addie here, just posting a couple of pictures of the Christmas card Mom/Leslie/Queen of the Hills made for my family and me. Enjoy!
Addie here, just posting a couple of pictures of the Christmas card Mom/Leslie/Queen of the Hills made for my family and me. Enjoy!
The cover!
The message reads, "May happy memories surround you at Christmas and always". Lovely, isn't it?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Blogging !
I am so wrapped up in blogging that I can't get any of my house work done. I guess it doen't matter there is no one here to complain. I think I have the neatest blog to follow of anyone I know.
Just a little information on a couple of my followers, the girl with the big smile is my daughter and the man with the microphone and waving is my son, his daughter Emily follows mine, too. The greyhound pics. are friends of my daughters ( they have 2 Greyhounds.) Well, all of my followers are all great people and I am glad to have all of you. Thanks, for all of your comments !!
Have any of you heard of: Chemo Angels ? I read about that on one your your blogs. In a nutshell is about writing to Cancer patients, sending cards, and a small gift sometimes to cheer them up. I have signed up to be a Chemo Card Angel, and I am so excited about doing this. But, it takes about 6 weeks before you receive your Chemo patients name . Since I love to make cards, this will make it more meaniful. My wish is to help cheer someone up. I don't feel I do enough for my fellow man or woman. I want to make a difference.
Just a little information on a couple of my followers, the girl with the big smile is my daughter and the man with the microphone and waving is my son, his daughter Emily follows mine, too. The greyhound pics. are friends of my daughters ( they have 2 Greyhounds.) Well, all of my followers are all great people and I am glad to have all of you. Thanks, for all of your comments !!
Have any of you heard of: Chemo Angels ? I read about that on one your your blogs. In a nutshell is about writing to Cancer patients, sending cards, and a small gift sometimes to cheer them up. I have signed up to be a Chemo Card Angel, and I am so excited about doing this. But, it takes about 6 weeks before you receive your Chemo patients name . Since I love to make cards, this will make it more meaniful. My wish is to help cheer someone up. I don't feel I do enough for my fellow man or woman. I want to make a difference.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Alert !
The temperture has risen to 30 degrees this afternoon. For two days now I have had to let the water in my sink drip, so that the pipes don't freeze ! Primative, I guess but, what do you expect in "Hillbilly Heaven ?" What's with all of the 60 degrees in Atlanta and Va. where Alex lives ?
I know it is winter and it is supposed to be cold, have mercy just a little warmer ,please. I have not seen the sun since Sunday when it was 60 degrees here, that day and Sunday night it got down to 13. Brr !
I have a few word for the weatherperson they are: Spileci, Coystra, Doraman, and last but, not least Emerp. How do you feel now weatherperson ? Santa is watching..
I know it is winter and it is supposed to be cold, have mercy just a little warmer ,please. I have not seen the sun since Sunday when it was 60 degrees here, that day and Sunday night it got down to 13. Brr !
I have a few word for the weatherperson they are: Spileci, Coystra, Doraman, and last but, not least Emerp. How do you feel now weatherperson ? Santa is watching..
Monday, December 15, 2008
Baby, it is cold outside !
This morning started out at 17 degrees and ice everywhere, two hours later it was 13 degrees !! Wrong direction folks the temp. is supposed to rise as the day goes on and on. Not so in, "Hillbilly Heaven."Why am I here anyway ??? I keep asking myself this question a lot now days.
We used to live in Phx. Az. where it was summer all of the time. I do like seasons, four in fact but, lets not get carried away with this stuff. It finally got up to 19 for our days high.. Bring out your shorts guys and gals we will have a picnic outside .
I have baked and done laundry, anything to put more heat in here and it has helped some. Now I am thinking about just going to bed and pulling the covers up over my head.
Beside cooking and washing clothes, I have blogged and played games all day. What better to do when Baby, it is cold outside.
We used to live in Phx. Az. where it was summer all of the time. I do like seasons, four in fact but, lets not get carried away with this stuff. It finally got up to 19 for our days high.. Bring out your shorts guys and gals we will have a picnic outside .
I have baked and done laundry, anything to put more heat in here and it has helped some. Now I am thinking about just going to bed and pulling the covers up over my head.
Beside cooking and washing clothes, I have blogged and played games all day. What better to do when Baby, it is cold outside.
Verification Words
I have scraps of paper all over my computer desk with nothing but v. words written on the paper. Sooo hold on another nonsense blog !
I was gonna phonazu today but, you were out teaching the tubilga's inglessh so that they could walk thru the pieni woods and talk to the nonstabu people. Alas ! they had crumbl and left for outqiasm. If I knew where that was I would just deculaep over and visit you ..
For all of you new readers I have not flipped, I just love playing with words. I am an avid Scrabble player. I can not imagine who thinks up these word s. I am thinking about a whole book of Verification Word for the general Public. What do you think ? ;*) LOL
I read my horoscope everyday on the computer just for fun. It said today "let your inne child come out and play." I just did. So long for now.
I was gonna phonazu today but, you were out teaching the tubilga's inglessh so that they could walk thru the pieni woods and talk to the nonstabu people. Alas ! they had crumbl and left for outqiasm. If I knew where that was I would just deculaep over and visit you ..
For all of you new readers I have not flipped, I just love playing with words. I am an avid Scrabble player. I can not imagine who thinks up these word s. I am thinking about a whole book of Verification Word for the general Public. What do you think ? ;*) LOL
I read my horoscope everyday on the computer just for fun. It said today "let your inne child come out and play." I just did. So long for now.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Not so early Sunday morning
I have never been one that could "sleep in" on any morning but, I certainly wish I could. I have been up since 5:30 this morning like there is something I have to do, not the case. I have had 2 cups of coffee. played Solitare 4 or 5 times , 4 games of Scrabble 2 games of paintball all on my computer of course, who else is up at that hour ?? Now it is light outside and it is cloudy and the wind is blowing so hard that the trees are swaying so hard it makes me dizzy to watch them. "What me dizzy all of the time." Why would you think that about me ? ;*)
I have read lots of blogs this morning one, was Vintage Rose , she has a good blog.
While I was between games and blogs, I went to a site called: www.snappyturtle . They have lots of fun gifts for the person who has everything. The kitchen gadgets are cute.
I guess you are tired of reading all of the stuff. Just a thought be glad you slept late this morning !
I have read lots of blogs this morning one, was Vintage Rose , she has a good blog.
While I was between games and blogs, I went to a site called: www.snappyturtle . They have lots of fun gifts for the person who has everything. The kitchen gadgets are cute.
I guess you are tired of reading all of the stuff. Just a thought be glad you slept late this morning !
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Dots and more !
Boy, Oh Boy ! I have 28 dots this morning even one in Australia now that I am following the "Vintage Rose" blog. I am following so many blogs now that I have to scroll down my page to see them all. One I am looking at is called:" Small woman with big boobs" . What a hoot of a name... I just could not resist that one. So much for this topic.
Christmas is looming on the horizon and I do mean looming. I have one more Christmas card to make, then I will just sit here and wait. There is only one more Craft class before Christmas and the weatherman say we will be having an ice storm that day. So our next class will be Dec 30th. I hope we can make it to that one !
I hate to complain but, I just got over Bronchitis, now I have a horrible sinus infection and it is so bad I can't lie down and sleep in fact I can hardly swallow because my nose is so stopped up ! All I really want for Christmas is to feel better. At least I have hot water, poor Lori and family. Aka Addie. I promise not to complain in my next blog !!
Christmas is looming on the horizon and I do mean looming. I have one more Christmas card to make, then I will just sit here and wait. There is only one more Craft class before Christmas and the weatherman say we will be having an ice storm that day. So our next class will be Dec 30th. I hope we can make it to that one !
I hate to complain but, I just got over Bronchitis, now I have a horrible sinus infection and it is so bad I can't lie down and sleep in fact I can hardly swallow because my nose is so stopped up ! All I really want for Christmas is to feel better. At least I have hot water, poor Lori and family. Aka Addie. I promise not to complain in my next blog !!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Gift Idea
Here is a gift idea I found on "Sparkpeople" this morning.
Bath Salts:
6 cups of Epsom salts
2 cups of table salt
4 cups baking soda
Large jars with lids
Essential oils--- lavender, vanilla, peppermint just to mention a few. They might not be good all together. ;*)
Mix salts and baking soda together in a large bowl
add oils until the scent of salts reaches desired strength. Mix well with spoon, then put salts in jars. ( bonus, print custom labels for your fancy bath salts.)
Bath Salts:
6 cups of Epsom salts
2 cups of table salt
4 cups baking soda
Large jars with lids
Essential oils--- lavender, vanilla, peppermint just to mention a few. They might not be good all together. ;*)
Mix salts and baking soda together in a large bowl
add oils until the scent of salts reaches desired strength. Mix well with spoon, then put salts in jars. ( bonus, print custom labels for your fancy bath salts.)
Glitter, Glue, and paper !
Well, if I am going to finish making Christmas cards I better do it soon or I won't have to make them...um.
I have my tools where they need to be before I start, now I have to try and match paper, glitter and all of the extras I put on them. I really don't want people to think I did them in my sleep !
I would love to send all of you a Christmas card but, since I am not a wizard, I had another idea.
Addie has the one I made for them and I hope when she reads this, she will share her's with you. How about that ? Have a happy day.
I have my tools where they need to be before I start, now I have to try and match paper, glitter and all of the extras I put on them. I really don't want people to think I did them in my sleep !
I would love to send all of you a Christmas card but, since I am not a wizard, I had another idea.
Addie has the one I made for them and I hope when she reads this, she will share her's with you. How about that ? Have a happy day.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Tattoo please..

Lori, Kevin, Jared ,and Tyler went along to see if I was going to cry ( I had been told that getting a Tattoo hurt a lot.).
First, I had to pick out the Tattoo that I wanted which was a dragonfly, we flipped through a lot of pages looking for the "right one". The one I picked was bigger than I wanted , so they shrunk it down to an acceptable size. Now it was lunch time and my appt. was 2:30.
We found a "Mellow Mushroom" and ate the best pizza I had ever had in all of my days. After a short trip to Garrett's business for a look see. We headed back for my tattoo, with all looking on the game began, first one color. followed by five more colors. I did not shed one tear ! It stung a little bit.
Wallah, I have a tattoo of a Dragonfly on my right forearm !
Next year who knows??
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Dots and Jeju
Boy oh, boy, when I got back home I had 15 dots on my cluster map. Maybe I should take more trips !
I hardly know where to begin with my "Jeju" story but, it was no surprise that I was going to have to shed a lot of clothing to get any real benefit from the pools of water, one ice cold, one warm, and the other very hot according to Lori (aka Addie.) We went for the warm one and I will never have to shave my legs again the water was warmer than warm !
I was surprised that my new "Tat" was still on my arm.
Inside Jeju was beautiful, the saunas had different themes and designs inside and out as well. The marble floors were warm I was thankful for that because we had to take off our shoes at the "get go." I am still reeling over having to take off all of my clothes !!!!
I hardly know where to begin with my "Jeju" story but, it was no surprise that I was going to have to shed a lot of clothing to get any real benefit from the pools of water, one ice cold, one warm, and the other very hot according to Lori (aka Addie.) We went for the warm one and I will never have to shave my legs again the water was warmer than warm !
I was surprised that my new "Tat" was still on my arm.
Inside Jeju was beautiful, the saunas had different themes and designs inside and out as well. The marble floors were warm I was thankful for that because we had to take off our shoes at the "get go." I am still reeling over having to take off all of my clothes !!!!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Back in hillbilly heaven !
Hey, I am back from Lori's ( aka Addie's)
Thanks, for all of the the comments on the v. words. I play Scrabble a lot, what do y'all think about a Scrabble word game just using v. words ? Crazy thought, yes or no ?
Lots of "trip" blogs coming up later, but, for now I have to get ready for my scrapbooking day in Berryville with my friend Doris.
If anyone of you want to fun trip, go see Addie !!!
Good morning my wonderful daughter, and son, Kevin. It was a blast. Have a safe trip home Kevin.
Thanks, for all of the the comments on the v. words. I play Scrabble a lot, what do y'all think about a Scrabble word game just using v. words ? Crazy thought, yes or no ?
Lots of "trip" blogs coming up later, but, for now I have to get ready for my scrapbooking day in Berryville with my friend Doris.
If anyone of you want to fun trip, go see Addie !!!
Good morning my wonderful daughter, and son, Kevin. It was a blast. Have a safe trip home Kevin.
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